60 and T.forumid=F.forumid order by T.dateline desc limit 10"; $sql = "select T.*, F.title as forum_title from thread T, post P, forum F where T.goodnees=1 and T.forumid!=8 and T.firstpostid = P.postid and T.forumid=F.forumid order by T.dateline desc limit 20"; $post_list = get_query_list($conn, $sql); for($i=0; $i 40 ) $post_list[$i][title] = substr($post_list[$i][title], 0, 38) . "..."; $conn = connect_database($NEWS_DB); $settings = get_query_row($conn, "select * from layout_setting" ); //社区星光 $sql = "select * from $NEWS_ARTICLES_TABLE where news_art_status=4 and news_website_cat_id=21 order by news_art_post_time desc limit 15"; $community_center_21_list = get_query_list($conn, $sql); for($i=0; $i 40 ) $community_center_21_list[$i][news_art_title] = substr($community_center_21_list[$i][news_art_title], 0, 38); //活动/讲座好去处 $sql = "select * from $NEWS_ARTICLES_TABLE where news_art_status=4 and news_website_cat_id=22 order by news_art_post_time desc limit 15"; $community_center_22_list = get_query_list($conn, $sql); for($i=0; $i 40 ) $community_center_22_list[$i][news_art_title] = substr($community_center_22_list[$i][news_art_title], 0, 38); //时效专题 $sql = "select * from news_period_topics where feature>0 order by feature limit " . $settings[news_period_topic]; $news_period_topic_list = get_query_list($conn, $sql); for($i=0; $i 40 ) $news_period_topic_list[$i][news_art_title] = substr($news_period_topic_list[$i][news_art_title], 0, 38); //最旺人气 $day10 = time()-86400*7; $sql = "select * from $NEWS_ARTICLES_TABLE where news_art_status=4 and news_art_post_time>'$day10' order by news_art_views desc limit 6"; $most_read_news_list = get_query_list($conn, $sql); for($i=0; $i 38 ) $most_read_news_list[$i][news_art_title] = substr($most_read_news_list[$i][news_art_title], 0, 36) . "..."; //置顶文章 $sql = "select * from $NEWS_ARTICLES_TABLE where news_art_status=4 and top_fixed_1>0 and news_art_type_id=1 order by news_art_post_time desc limit 1"; $top_fixed_1_news_list = get_query_list($conn, $sql); for($i=0; $i 50 ) $top_fixed_1_news_list[$i][news_art_title] = substr($top_fixed_1_news_list[$i][news_art_title], 0, 48) . "..."; $orig_word = array(); $replacement_word = array(); $bbcode_uid = $news[bbcode_uid]; $preview_message = stripslashes(prepare_message($top_fixed_1_news_list[0][news_art_text], 1, 1, 1, $bbcode_uid)); $preview_message = bbencode_second_pass($preview_message, $bbcode_uid); if( !empty($orig_word) ) { $preview_username = ( !empty($username) ) ? preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $preview_username) : ""; $preview_subject = ( !empty($preview_subject) ) ? preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $preview_subject) : ""; $preview_subhead = ( !empty($preview_subhead) ) ? preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $preview_subhead) : ""; $preview_author = ( !empty($preview_author) ) ? preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $preview_author) : ""; $preview_source = ( !empty($preview_source) ) ? preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $preview_source) : ""; $preview_message = ( !empty($preview_message) ) ? preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $preview_message) : ""; $preview_note = ( !empty($preview_note) ) ? preg_replace($orig_word, $replacement_word, $preview_note) : ""; } $top_fixed_1_news_list[0][news_art_text] = make_clickable($preview_message); /* $sql = "select * from $NEWS_ARTICLES_TABLE where news_art_status=4 and top_fixed_1>0 and news_art_type_id=1 order by news_art_post_time desc limit 1"; $top_fixed_1_news_pic_list = get_query_list($conn, $sql); for($i=0; $i 38 ) $top_fixed_1_news_pic_list[$i][news_art_title] = substr($top_fixed_1_news_pic_list[$i][news_art_title], 0, 38); $pic_path = "../../news_pictures/" . $top_fixed_1_news_pic_list[0][news_art_id]%100 . "/" . $top_fixed_1_news_pic_list[0][news_art_id]; if ( $handle = @opendir($pic_path) ) { while( false !== ( $file = readdir($handle) ) ) if(substr($file, 0, 1) == "1") break; closedir($handle); } $top_fixed_1_news_pic_list[0][pic] = $pic_path . "/" . $file; if( !is_file($top_fixed_1_news_pic_list[0][pic]) ) $top_fixed_1_news_pic_list[0][pic] = "../images/no_pic.gif"; if( strlen($top_fixed_1_news_pic_list[0][news_art_text]) > 150 ) $top_fixed_1_news_pic_list[0][news_art_text] = substr($top_fixed_1_news_pic_list[0][news_art_text], 0, 148) . "..."; */ //置顶图片 $sql = "select * from $NEWS_ARTICLES_TABLE where news_art_status=4 and top_fixed_1>0 and news_art_type_id=2 order by news_art_post_time desc limit 1"; $top_fixed_1_news_pic_list = get_query_list($conn, $sql); for($i=0; $i 38 ) $top_fixed_1_news_pic_list[$i][news_art_title] = substr($top_fixed_1_news_pic_list[$i][news_art_title], 0, 38); $pic_path = "../../news_pictures/" . $top_fixed_1_news_pic_list[0][news_art_id]%100 . "/" . $top_fixed_1_news_pic_list[0][news_art_id]; if ( $handle = @opendir($pic_path) ) { while( false !== ( $file = readdir($handle) ) ) if(substr($file, 0, 1) == "1") break; closedir($handle); } $top_fixed_1_news_pic_list[0][pic] = $pic_path . "/" . $file; if( !is_file($top_fixed_1_news_pic_list[0][pic]) ) $top_fixed_1_news_pic_list[0][pic] = "../images/no_pic.gif"; if( strlen($top_fixed_1_news_pic_list[0][news_art_text]) > 150 ) $top_fixed_1_news_pic_list[0][news_art_text] = substr($top_fixed_1_news_pic_list[0][news_art_text], 0, 148) . "..."; //热点新闻 $sql = "select * from $NEWS_ARTICLES_TABLE where news_art_status=4 and hot_topic>0 order by top_fixed_2 desc, news_art_post_time desc limit " . ($settings[news_hot_topic] - 9); $hot_topic_news_list = get_query_list($conn, $sql); for($i=0; $i 38 ) $hot_topic_news_list[$i][news_art_title] = substr($hot_topic_news_list[$i][news_art_title], 0, 36) . "..."; //滚动新闻 $sql = "select * from $NEWS_ARTICLES_TABLE where news_art_status=4 and news_issue_no=0 and news_website_cat_id!=44 and news_website_cat_id!=21 and news_website_cat_id!=22 and news_special_topic_id!=11 order by news_art_post_time desc limit " . $settings[news_hot_topic]*2; $daily_news_list_1 = get_query_list($conn, $sql); $k = 0; for($j=0; $j 38 ) $daily_news_list[$i][news_art_title] = substr($daily_news_list[$i][news_art_title], 0, 36) . "..."; $yellow_page_category_1_list = get_query_list($conn, "select * from yellow_page_category where level=1 and showup_on_index_page>0 order by showup_on_index_page, id"); $yellow_page_category_2_list = get_query_list($conn, "select * from yellow_page_category where level=2 and showup_on_index_page>0 order by father_id, showup_on_index_page, id"); $yellow_page_news_list = get_query_list($conn, "select * from $NEWS_ARTICLES_TABLE where news_art_status=4 and news_website_cat_id=44 order by news_art_post_time desc limit 14"); for($i=0; $i 38 ) $yellow_page_news_list[$i][news_art_title] = substr($yellow_page_news_list[$i][news_art_title], 0, 36) . "..."; ?>
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: =4) break; } // end of for($yellow_page_category_2_list) ?> ...
=4) break; } // end of for($yellow_page_category_2_list) ?> ...
infomation center 作为一家位于多伦多的面向华人受众的新兴媒体,本地化、生活化、热点化是本报的宗旨和特色。欢迎多提宝贵意见。

6月5日下午5点,在安省省府Queen’s Park前,数百名游行者高举标语再次举行游行示威,要求联邦政府移民部对无理拖延和停止父母移民申请个案和大量申请积压的问题进行调整。参与游行的数百民众来自各个族裔,本次游行活动在多伦多、温哥华、满地可、卡加利和渥太华五个城市同时举行,以抗议政府拖延父母团聚类申请。图为多伦多的游行现场。
infomation center 作为一家位于多伦多的面向华人受众的新兴媒体,本地化、生活化、热点化是本报的宗旨和特色。欢迎多提宝贵意见。

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